Class Rules

1. Respect everyone.

2. Treat other people the way that you would want to be treated.

3. Pay attention and do not talk while someone else is talking. If you need to get the teacher’s attention, raise your hand and wait to be called on.

Known Class Policies

1. Because this is the place to practice it, ONLY ENGLISH is to be spoken in Room 256.

2. Students will remove hats and hoods upon entering Room 256.

3. Students have to have hall passes anywhere they go in the building. If they are leaving Room 256 and it benefits them (bathroom, drink, ERC, etc.), then they are to write a pass in their agenda book. If the errand benefits the teacher (picking up copies, taking a note to the office, etc.), then the teacher will write a yellow pass. Only one person is allowed to go to the bathroom/drinking fountain at a time.

4. Students are allowed to chew gum and have drinks/snacks in class until those actions become a distraction (I don't want to see or hear it in your mouth). At that point, the student will be asked to throw it away and not have any more for the rest of class.

Class Consequences

1. Verbal Warning

2. Move Seat

3. Parent Contact

4. Send to ISR

5. Office Referral

6. Detention

7. Suspension